A Season Passing by Like the Blink of an Eye - Summer Students 2024

09 September 2024

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship for Oliviero Cannelli

06 September 2024

Editor's Pick in Review of Scientific Instruments

20 August 2024

A flexible beamline combining XUV attosecond pulses with few-femtosecond UV and near-infrared pulses for time-resolved experiments

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Andrea Trabattoni becomes a professor at Leibniz University Hanover

31 July 2024

Journeys in Optics: Agata Azzolin

08 July 2024

Congratulations to our group member Sabine Rockenstein for having been selected Physikerin der Woche 2024 (calendar week 27).

08 July 2024

Alexander Bartmann joins the group

01 May 2024

New Publication in Nature

23 May 2024

A new experimental approach provides the long-awaited tools to understand the role of electrons in the molecular chiral reactivity and offers a way to control physical and chemical properties that result from chiral interactions. The study, published in the journal “Nature”, was led by Universität Hamburg and DESY as part of a collaboration with the Centre Laser Intense et Applications (CELIA) and the Laboratoire de Chimie et Physique Quantiques (LCPQ) in France and the Max Born Institute in Berlin.

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Aurelien Sánchez joins the group

13 May 2024

New Publication in Nano Letters

13 May 2024

The CFEL-ATTO team was part of an international collaboration between DESY, Stanford University, the Max-Planck Institute of Quantum Optics (MPQ) and the University of Hamburg, for which the results on plasmonic field sampling have just been published in Nano Letters. In this work we report the direct sampling of an emerging plasmonic field on the petahertz scale, using a technique which allows to characterize an electric field directly in the time domain with subcycle resolution. The observations may lead to new insights in the fields of nanophotonics and energy conversion.

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Terry Mullins joins the group

15 April 2024

Fatemehsadat Ghaffari joins the group

15 March 2024

Keno Mülder joins the group

01 March 2024

Noah Tettenborn joins the group

01 March 2024

New Publication in Journal of Physics: Photonics

08 March 2024

Members of the CFEL-ATTO group have collaborated with the group of Prof. Roberto Oselame from the Institute for Photonics and Nanotechnologies CNR-IFN in Milan (Italy) to develop a novel differentially-pumped integrated glass chip for the efficient generation of ultrashort UV radiation using Third Harmonic Generation. The results have been published in JPhys Photonics as a contribution to the special issue 'Emerging Leaders 2024'.

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Nobel Laureate Anne L´Huillier visits DESY

23 January 2024

Attosecond researcher visits laboratories and gives a lecture

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