Francesca Calegari is a new CUI spokesperson
Prof. Franscesca Calegari is a new spokesperson of the Cluster of Excellence "CUI: Advanced Imaging of Matter". Together with Prof. Henry Chapman and Prof. Klaus Sengstock, she will present the cluster to the outside world and help prepare the future strategy.

A three-person team at the helm of the cluster has proven to be very effective in view of the diverse tasks. At their most recent meeting, the project leaders elected Prof. Francesca Calegari as spokesperson, succeeding Prof. Horst Weller, who played a key role in shaping the fortunes of the cluster and its predecessor, "The Hamburg Centre for Ultrafast Imaging" (CUI).
Prof. Francesca Calegari, senior scientist at DESY and professor at the Department of Physics at Universität Hamburg, was already responsible for the area of equal opportunity and diversity on the board and will initially continue to oversee this area. The focus of her research is to track and, in the best case, control electron dynamics in systems of increasing complexity from simple molecules to molecules of biological interest and nanostructured materials in real time. To this end, the Attoscience group she leads is developing state-of-the-art compact light sources with extreme time resolution.
More information can be found here.