CFEL-ATTO receives funding through PIER Seed Projects

Vincent Wanie from the CFEL-ATTO group has been selected by the Partnership for Innovation, Education and Research (PIER) to fund a project titled ‘HIGH-repetition-rate ultraviolet beamLine for hIGH-statistics spectroscopy at the few-femtosecond Timescale [HIGHLIGHT]’.

The HIGHLIGHT project intends to progress towards a new generation of ultraviolet (UV) light sources for ultrafast time-resolved spectroscopy. In collaboration with the group of Prof. Markus Drescher from the Universität Hamburg and the group of Prof. John Travers from the Heriot-Watt University, a novel beamline is being developed to deliver few-cycle UV pulses (< 3 fs) at the multi-kHz repetition rate (up to 200 kHz). Such a setup will be circumventing the limited temporal resolution and signal-to-noise ratio of current state-of-the-art setups, opening a route for the detailed investigation of ultrafast dynamics in UV-excited biomolecules using notably the electrons-ions covariance spectroscopy technique.


The list of funded PIER Seed Projects for 2021 can be found at: