Gaia Giovannetti has been awarded the Best Poster Prize at the AttoChem 2nd Annual Meeting
26 October 2021
Gaia Giovannetti from the CFEL-ATTO group in DESY, Hamburg has been awarded the First Prize for the presentation of her poster, entitled "A table-top Soft X-ray beamline for transient absorption experiments in liquid phase". Congratulations, Gaia!
CFEL-ATTO receives funding through PIER Seed Projects
19 October 2021
Vincent Wanie from the CFEL-ATTO group has been selected by the Partnership for Innovation, Education and Research (PIER) to fund a project titled ‘HIGH-repetition-rate ultraviolet beamLine for hIGH-statistics spectroscopy at the few-femtosecond Timescale [HIGHLIGHT]’.
Real-time observation of a correlation-driven sub 3 fs charge migration in ionised adenine
20 May 2021
Our group (CFEL-ATTO) with the key participation of the Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter (MPSD) has demonstrated that ultrashort laser pulses can be used to protect one of the DNA building blocks against destruction induced by vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) radiation. We unveiled that a second laser flash in the infrared, timed shortly (only a few millionths of billions of a second) after the first VUV flash, prevented the adenine molecule to disintegrate, therefore stabilising it. We presents our work in the journal Communications Chemistry published by Nature publishing group.
HELIOS Helmholtz-Lund International Graduate School
19 January 2021
On January 19th we had our virtual launch event with talks on instrumentation challenges in atomic, laser, particle and nano-bio physics. Our first cohort of PhD students gave interesting and engaging presentations about their projects. We are proud to have assembled such a talented and multi-disciplinary team, which will further grow over the coming years.