Atto Home
Light sources
Attosecond light sources
Ultrafast optical parametric amplifiers
Multipass cell compression
Few-femtosecond UV light sources
Ultracompact VUV sources
Correlated electron dynamics in molecules
UV-induced dynamics at extreme time scales
Light-driven ultrafast chirality
Ultrafast nanophysics and nanoplasmonics
Photoelectron dynamics in nuclear transitions
Research Projects
Lab tour
Group Leader
Francesca Calegari
Team leaders
Andrea Trabattoni
Administrative Assistant
Patricia Rodríguez Díaz
Scientific staff and Postdocs
Erik Månsson
Vincent Wanie
Oliviero Cannelli
Terry Mullins
Aurelien Sánchez
Kate Robertson
Ph.D. students
Katinka Horn
Lorenzo Pratolli
Ammar Bin Wahid
Agata Azzolin
Marc Seitz
Kai-Fu Wong
Sergey Ryabchuk
Keerthana Ravi
Ana Oliveira e Silva
Sabine Rockenstein
Fatemehsadat Ghaffari
Linda Oberti
Master Thesis students
Keno Mülder
Noah Tettenborn
Technical staff
Alexander Bartmann
Lights, Camera, Science: Young Filmmakers and Researchers Unite
New Publication in Science Advances
Linda Oberti joins the group
New Publication in Physical Review Research
Congratulations to Andrea Trabattoni!
Vincent Wanie receives the JPhys Photonics Early Career Award
Nobel Laureate Ferenc Krausz visits DESY
Access to attoseconds and more: DESY joins Lasers4EU
Kate Robertson joins the group
New Publication in Nature Communications
A Season Passing by Like the Blink of an Eye - Summer Students 2024
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship for Oliviero Cannelli
Editor's Pick in Review of Scientific Instruments
Andrea Trabattoni becomes a professor at Leibniz University Hanover
Journeys in Optics: Agata Azzolin
Congratulations to our group member Sabine Rockenstein for having been selected Physikerin der Woche 2024 (calendar week 27).
Alexander Bartmann joins the group
New Publication in Nature
Aurelien Sánchez joins the group
New Publication in Nano Letters
Terry Mullins joins the group
Fatemehsadat Ghaffari joins the group
Keno Mülder joins the group
Noah Tettenborn joins the group
New Publication in Journal of Physics: Photonics
Nobel Laureate Anne L´Huillier visits DESY
Insights on the Nobel Prize in Physics 2023 from the perspective of the CFEL Attosecond Science group
New publication in Science Advances
Ana Oliveira joins the group
Niclas Graf - Successful Defense of his Bachelor's Thesis
Sabine Rockenstein - Successful Defense of her Master's Thesis
Keerthana Ravi joins the group
New publication in Biomedical Optics Express
Attosecond Science and the Nobel Prize in Physics 2023
New publication in Communications Chemistry
Oliviero Cannelli joins the group
Incomparably faster than the blink of an eye: ultrashort laser pulses follow molecules in motion
Francesca Calegari is a new CUI spokesperson
Dispersion-engineered multi-pass cell for single-stage post-compression of an ytterbium laser
New perspectives in time-resolved laser-induced electron diffraction
ERC starting grant for Andrea Trabattoni
A national network for Italian scientists in Germany
Magna cum Laude for Lorenzo Colaizzi
Patricia Rodríguez Díaz joins the group
Official handover now possible: Francesca Calegari received the ICO prize 2017
23rd European Conference on the Dynamics of Molecular Systems
Lorenzo Pratolli joins the group
In situ characterization of few-femtosecond laser pulses by learning from first-principles calculations
Sabine Rockenstein joins the group
Summer students 2022
Jassim Al-Nuwaider joins the group
Unravelling and manipulating the photo-induced electronic and vibrational dynamics of adenine
Md Sabbir Ahsan joins the group
Generation of bright soft X-ray pulses to watch ultrafast spin dynamics at the nanoscale
A new chairperson for the PIER Executive Board
Junior professorship for Andrea Trabattoni
Free-electron laser reveals the ultrafast dynamics of photoexcited molecules
Agata Azzolin joins the group
Gaia Giovannetti has been awarded the Best Poster Prize at the AttoChem 2nd Annual Meeting
CFEL-ATTO receives funding through PIER Seed Projects
Marc Seitz joins the group
The 2nd Annual Workshop of the COST Action AttoChem
Guangyu Fan joins the group
Real-time observation of a correlation-driven sub 3 fs charge migration in ionised adenine
HELIOS Helmholtz-Lund International Graduate School
Andrea Trabattoni became Helmholtz Young Investigator
The CFEL-ATTO group will host Dr. Caterina Vozzi
Controlled strong-field ionization in Lithium Niobate
Record compression delivers ultra-short laser pulses
Francesca Calegari vice-chairs Attochem
Francesca Calegari is German co-spokesperson of HELIOS
Francesca Calegari elected OSA Fellow
New joint laboratory project with CNR-IFN
CFEL-ATTO joins the SFB925
Charge migration in photo-ionized aromatic amino acids
Researchers generate the shortest ultraviolet laser pulse ever
New publication in Nature Review Physics
New publication in Nature Photonics
Francesca Calegari interviewed about Donna Strickland
New publication in The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters2
New publication in The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
Conference prize for Francesca Calegari
Poster prize for Andrea Trabattoni
New publication in La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento
Francesca Calegari received the ICO prize
Winter 2024/2025
Winter 2023/2024
Summer 2023
Summer 2022
Summer 2021
Winter 2020/2021
Summer 2019
Winter 2018/2019
Team leaders
Team leaders
Andrea Trabattoni
Andrea Trabattoni
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