Sergey Ryabchuk
Graduate student

Center for Free-Electron Laser Science (CFEL)
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY
Notkestrasse 85 (building 94, room 03.014)
22607 Hamburg
My PhD project will be focused on the performing high-resolution time-resolved experiments to investigate, and potentially control, electron dynamics in molecules at their natural time scale.
Academic Career
Since 2019 | Graduate student at DESY in the FS-ATTO Group. | |
2018 - 2019
Engineer at Laboratory of Advanced Photonics, Russian Quantum Center, Moscow, Russia. | |
2016 - 2018
Master Degree in Laser Physics at National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
(Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), Russia.
Thesis: "High-Order Harmonic Generation from a surface-solid plasma by powerful femtosecond mid-IR pulses".
2012 - 2016 |
Bachelor Degree in Physics at National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
(Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), Russia