Sabine Rockenstein
PhD student

Center for Free-Electron Laser Science (CFEL)
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY
Notkestrasse 85 (building 94, O3.022)
22607 Hamburg
Sabine joined the group as a master's student. After defending her Master's thesis in November 2023, she joined the group as a PhD student and will work on an experimental setup for the generation of high harmonics in the soft x-ray range.
Academic Career
Since 2023 | Graduate student at DESY in the CFEL-ATTO group. |
Master Degree in Physics, University of Hamburg.
Thesis: "High-order Harmonic Generation in a Nonadiabatic Regime", CFEL-ATTO group, DESY, Hamburg.
Bachelor Degree in Physics, Heidelberg University.
Thesis: "Active Carrier-Envelope Phase Stabilisation of Ultrashort Laser Pulses",
at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg.