Linda Oberti

PhD student

Center for Free-Electron Laser Science (CFEL)
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY
Notkestrasse 85 (building 94, O3.014)
22607 Hamburg


Linda Oberti joined the CFEL-ATTO group in February 2025 as a PhD Student. Her Project is Ultrafast spectroscopy of liquid water and solvated molecular systems within the CMWS Science Program, DESY partner. It's a joint PhD project between CNR, Italy, and DESY, Co-Supervised by C. Vozzi and F. Calegari.

She will work on developing a tabletop soft X-ray source for attosecond pulses and its applications to capture electron dynamics in molecules.

Academic Career

Since 2025 Graduate student at DESY in the CFEL-ATTO group.
Since 2023 PhD Student at Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy. This is a joint PhD Project between CNR, Italy, and DESY.

Master's Degree at Politecnico di Milano, Engineering physics major in photonics and nano-optics. Thesis "Study of molecular photoswitches with X-ray photoelectron and absorption spectroscopy" with C. Vozzi and S. Stagira.


Bachelor's Degree at Politecnico di Milano, Engineering Physics. Thesis "Study of light transmission in dielectric multilayers."