Katinka Horn
Graduate student

Center for Free-Electron Laser Science (CFEL)
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY
Notkestrasse 85, Building 94, CXNS, Office 94.018
22607 Hamburg
In her joint PhD project (DESY Hamburg + ETH Zurich), Katinka is working on time-resolved studies on water aggregates. The aim is to gain insight into the scattering dynamics of electrons with low kinetic energy in aqueous environments. By their capability to trigger chemical reactions, these low-energy electrons are also considered as a source of DNA damage in living cells. The project is part of the Center for Molecular Water Science (CWMS).
Academic Career
Since 2021
Graduate student in a joint project of the Aerosols and Nanoscience research group of Prof. Signorell at ETH Zurich and the FS-ATTO research group of Prof. Calegari at DESY Hamburg.
Master Degree in Physics.
Thesis: "Q-switching in a SESAM mode-locked fiber laser"
under the supervision of Prof. Kärtner, Department of Physics, University of Hamburg, in industry collaboration with the company TOPTICA Photonics AG.
2019 |
Bachelor Degree in Mathematics.
Thesis: "Mathematical description of pulse shaping in mode-locked lasers"
under the supervision of Prof. Behrens, Department of Mathematics, University of Hamburg, in industry collaboration with the company Coherent.Inc.
2018 |
Bachelor Degree in Physics.
Thesis: "Spatial light modulators for quantum gas experiments"
under the supervision of Prof. Sengstock, Department of Physics, University of Hamburg.