Attosecond Science

Real time observation of electron dynamics in matter

The CFEL-ATTO Group develops advanced attosecond technologies to investigate the light-activated dynamics of matter with extreme time resolution. In particular, the main goal of our research is to track and ideally control the electronic motion in systems of increasing complexity, from simple molecules to biochemically relevant molecules and nanoparticles.

Recent highlights

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship for Oliviero Cannelli

06 September 2024

Editor's Pick in Review of Scientific Instruments

20 August 2024

A flexible beamline combining XUV attosecond pulses with few-femtosecond UV and near-infrared pulses for time-resolved experiments

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Andrea Trabattoni becomes a professor at Leibniz University Hanover

31 July 2024